
How to Prepare Kettle Corn Using a Popcorn Machine

Unlocking the Art of Kettle Corn Creation in Your Popcorn Machine:
A Detailed Walkthrough

Making kettle corn in a popcorn machine is a delicious and straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create sweet and salty kettle corn using your popcorn machine, including Cretors machines:

Ingredients You'll Need:

  • Cretors Mushroom Popcorn Kernels
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sugar
  • Salt (to taste)


  1. Prepare Your Popcorn Machine:

    • Ensure your popcorn machine is clean and in good working condition.
    • If available, use a Cretors Non-Stick Lecithin spray to lightly coat the kettle. This will help prevent the sugar from sticking and make cleanup easier.
  2. Add Mushroom Kernels:

    • Place Cretors Mushroom Popcorn Kernels into the kettle of your popcorn machine. Use the appropriate amount for the batch size you desire.
  3. Add Coconut Oil and Sugar:

    • Drizzle coconut oil over the unpopped kernels. The amount of oil may vary depending on your machine, but a few tablespoons should suffice.
    • Sprinkle a generous amount of sugar evenly over the kernels. The sugar will caramelize as the popcorn pops, giving it the sweet and slightly crispy coating that defines kettle corn.
  4. Start Popping:

    • Close the kettle and start the popcorn machine. Ensure the machine is set to its appropriate popping temperature for kettle corn. This is usually higher than the setting for regular popcorn.
  5. Listen and Watch:

    • As the popcorn pops, listen for the rapid popping to slow down. Be attentive as kettle corn can burn quickly due to the sugar content.
  6. Dump the Kettle:

    • Once the popping slows down significantly and you hear only occasional pops, it's time to act. Quickly open the kettle and dump the kettle corn into a large container. This step is crucial to prevent the sugar from burning and to ensure even coating.
  7. Season with Salt:

    • While the kettle corn is still hot and fresh, sprinkle salt over it to taste. The contrast between the sweetness and the saltiness is what makes kettle corn so addictive.
  8. Cool and Enjoy:

    • Allow the kettle corn to cool for a few minutes before indulging. It will become crispier as it cools down.
  9. Serve and Share:

    • Your homemade kettle corn is ready to be served and shared with family and friends. Enjoy the delicious combination of sweet and salty flavors!


Remember that making kettle corn can be a bit of an art, and it may take a few tries to get the perfect balance of sweetness and crispiness. Once you've mastered the technique, you'll have a delightful treat that's perfect for any occasion.